On chair of hygiene of children and teenagers and hygiene of a food students of 5 and 6 courses, and also magistracy students on specialities hygiene of children and teenagers and hygiene of a food are trained.
In a subject hygiene of children and teenagers preparation of students is carried out on sections: health of children and teenagers; hygiene of activity of children and teenagers in various types of child care centres, physical training, inservice training, working out of a mode of day for children of all age, a mode of educational and industrial employment for pupils of educational institutions of a various profile, hygiene of an environment; hygiene of a food of children and teenagers; health services of the children’s and teenage population. Methods of is natural-hygienic and laboratory experiment are widely applied; hygienic supervision, etc.
Preparation of students on hygiene of a food is carried out basically on following sections: hygienic bases of physiology and food biochemistry, food and biological value of a foodstuff, and their hygienic characteristic, a food of separate groups of the population, food poisonings, the state sanitary inspection.